A close-up of a round cactus with bright pink flowers.

7 Water-Wise Plants for Desert Regions

‘Queen Victoria’ Century Plant Agave victoriae-reginae is a striking, slow-growing cactus that may take as long as 40 years to flower. It’s best grown alone and away from paths because of its sharp leaf tips. ‘Lavance Purple’ Lavender Lavandula angustifolia is a dwarf lavender that can grow 18 inches high, making it a good choice for edging.…

A close-up of beautiful multi-colored flowers in a freshly-landscaped garden in Tyler, TX.

6 Ways to Keep Your Garden In Color All Season

1. Deadheading Deadheading, or removing spent blossoms, is the easiest way to keep plants blooming. Annuals especially will benefit from a periodic deadheading. Flowers are just there to produce seed. Once the plant sets seed, it has no more reason to produce flowers. Many perennial flowers will also rebloom if deadheaded. Exceptions are perennials that…

A bunch of bright red tomatoes on a vine in an East Texas garden.

Secrets To Growing Plump Tomatoes

Choose a Bright, Airy Spot Plant tomatoes, leaving room between plants for air to circulate, where they will get at least 10 hours of light in summer. Rotate the Crop Alternate your tomato bed between a few spots in the garden to diminish the risk of soil borne diseases such as bacterial spot and early…

An East Texas home with a freshly-laid stone pathway leading to the front door.

21 Easy Ideas to Beautify Your Yard

Integrate Your Plants Vegetables and herbs have a place in the flower garden. Use herbs to edge your beds and borders, we’re especially partial to variegated mint because it arrives early and stays late. In the garden, integration is the key. The mint’s aroma wafts on the breeze when visitors brush against it, and you…

A close up of mint leaves.

5 Really Simple Household Uses for Mint

1. Growing mint will keep your yard and garden buzzing with beneficial insects. Mint is rich in nectar and pollen, and its small flower clusters keep these sweet treats easily accessible for helpful bugs such as honeybees and hoverflies. 2. While it attracts ‘good bugs,’ mint also deters ‘bad bugs.’ Repel ants and flies by…